This is a companion piece to A Fun Spiritual Quiz To Quickly Find Out Your Soul Attributes post. You should go to that entry first to go through the 9 questions and intuit the answer before reading the article below. Once you did, come back and go through on what you chose.
I would recommend you to head to the quiz before reading the contents below if you are interested. If not, you may pollute your reading. It’s best to always have a clear slate in regards to these kind of quiz without prior knowledge.
How to Work Through It
Take your time to go through each and give it some thought. Contemplation and recollection here is very useful in the process as memories will float up for confirmation or reviewing. Note down the keyword you don’t quite understand and research about it.
There could be things you can do, questions you should ask or topic to research further above. Just follow what your heart tell you as you will be guided to what you need in this moment. We are all magnificent multidimensional soul here to have a human experience but has forgotten about it due to the veil of forgetfulness.
And so it begins. Happy discovering!

Perception of the World
- Cherry π
- You choose to understand existence through the understanding of As above, so below.
- You know how the macro and micro are one and the same. Thinking of a God as something big out there, you also think that you are also a God for the cells living in your body. A universe within and without.
- Banana π
- Grow through the masculine and feminine polarity.
- Something that can be very fun to you is to dive deep into the divine masculine and divine feminine.
- Healing your relationship with your mother or father, integrating both of the polarity.
- Apple π
- Grow through the understanding of the good and bad, light and darkness, good and evil.
- Many souls likes to do cluster of patterns to learn in a period, if you have chosen to learn Apple. Then whether you are on or off planet in another place. You are learning the same thing.
Spiritual Path
- Black key π
- Through understanding mysticism, shadow aspects, mystery of reality. Different mystery school or organization. You resonate quite naturally with them.
- You should be doing shadow work, the fracture part of yourself. To reintegrate them back into you.
- White key π
- Through the understanding of the higher realm, connecting to the angelic realm, spirit guide, higher self, god & goddess.
- Golden key π
- Connection and interconnectedness, you are more like the nature person, the witch/wizard/druid, you are connected to life-force and the elements (4-5 elements).
- This is how you draw on your connection. Your soul is very much developed in the body, very rooted in this reality. You don’t need to be in the sky all the time, but here and now.
- Gaia (Mother Earth) is your teacher.
Soul Pattern
- Star β
- Currently you are working both at the same time of the masculine and feminine polarity, not one or the other.
- You are picking yourself first, you don’t follow any other blueprints and are paving your own way.
- Learn to love yourself first, make sure to fill your own cup first before helping others.
- A Star is meant to birth something special, don’t try to constrain yourself.
- Sun π
- It is about pleasing your father (Celestial or Spiritual) whatever your father figure is.
- It is about dealing with the issue around the Masculine, perhaps acknowledge the masculine and healing the wound of the masculine.
- Run toward masculinity, doing some shadow work around this area can be really good for healing.
- Moon π
- It is all about pleasing your mother or mother figure.
- You will usually have a very authoritative mother as you are trying to please her.
- Look deeper into patterns, which part of femininity you would like to integrate more of.
Come Here to Learn
- House π
- This life is all about your inner circle, your home, family, your tribe, like a small part of heaven on earth, a place you call yours. This is important for you.
- Whatever you come here to do or heal has to do with your lineage, family, relationship, tight kneed relationship (husband or wife, friendship, brother and sister, romantic relationships, and best friends)
- A homebody or something very big you come here to help with your ancestors.
- Road π£
- You came here to learn and experience to be on an adventure, the path, on a mission, on a journey. You are not here to be cooped up and stay stagnant; you are not here to play it safe.
- These are the wanderer souls.
- Here on a big mission.
- Thrive in discomfort.
- Try to be outside of your comfort zone as much as possible.
- A lifelong student/teacher, to share wisdom to other.
- Fence π§
- A sign of trauma, wounded, wounding, trauma response, not really want to be out there.
- Want to be protected.
- You are meant to transform it. Transmute it into something better.
- Transcending the victim mentality, knowing that life is worth living.
Led by heart, mind, or soul?
- Red cloth π₯
- You’re heart-led in this incarnation.
- Blue cloth π¦
- You are mind-led.
- Golden cloth π₯
- You are soul/spirit led.
- Can be also mean your heart or mind is imbalance
Your mission
- Cat π
- You are an individualist, your most precious resource is yourself, you are not meant to persuade society blueprint.
- It is very important to find what makes you, YOU. Look into your special talents or abilities. See what is your calling.
- You came here to this world to contribute something, like depositing a little gift. There is no way you would come into a world of 8 billions people and not become an individualist.
- You are additive to the collective consciousness of humanity.
- You have a responsibility.
- Questions you can ask.
- What gifts or knowledge I am here to give away?
- What is my special talent that I am being called to share with the world?
- Dog πΆ
- You are all about community; you are here to learn about relationships or be in a relationship in romantic or in general.
- You are a social spark, you are meant to be bring people together.
- Horse π΄
- A life of service, in many way shape or forms.
- A random act of kindness, being a nurse, sharing videos, many facets of service.
- Questions you can ask.
- Who did I come here to serve?
- How can I best serve?
Your values
- White book π
- Your greatest value is wisdom and learning. You seek to understand the universe and others, and you are a lifelong learner.
- The biggest treasure you have is the knowledge of the world.
- You are hungry and are seeking more, like a curious child.
- Golden crown π
- You value achievement, status, respect, and you need people to acknowledge your own self worth.
- If anyone makes you less than, you will feel wounded by it.
- Emerald Gemstone π
- You care about material comfort, wealth, and connection to nature.
- You have a connection to your green chakra (Heart), finding abundance in all kind of material objects that the world have to offer.
- Understanding nature, enjoying the simple things in life, noticing and savoring the moment.
- A very special incarnation.
Your Most Resourceful Connection
These are your number aspects of consciousness that give you energies. Whatever you selected, you need to connect with.
- Gold π₯
- You are with the Sun.
- Activity: Sun gazing, visualize it in your meditation. Find ways to connect to the sun’s energies.
- Silver π₯
- You are with the Moon.
- Activity: Do moon rituals.
- Bronze π₯
- Your connection is with Gaia (Mother Earth), the earth elements.
- Activity: Get out and meditate within nature.
What is your escape
This is your comfort place where your soul goes to rest.
- Pink castle β¨
- Dreaming, going into the unseen realms, into the magic, fairy kingdom, fantasy world, fairy godmother.
- Meditate with the fairies.
- Green castle π³
- All about being in nature, forest, and all kind of greenery.
- Have connection with Elven kingdom.
- White castle πΌπΌ
- You’re are into the Higher plane of existence, higher state of consciousness, heaven, spirit, God & Goddess, Angel and Archangel, higher self, and higher dimensional world.
I hope that can help you further into your inner search into better knowing yourself. Feel feel to share your results below if you feel called to. Have a nice day, carpe diem!