Looking back now, the whole thing started when I felt lost in my app business, as I was mindlessly going about improving my apps for the sake of improving it. There was no end in sight and I felt tired to build yet another feature set. It’s like wasting time on a futile effort.
The magic vanished, and the passion that ignited it has dissipated.
The supportive energies that were there to support this endeavor previously has moved on to the next cycle of growth in my life. Little that I know this new step forward is what I was waiting for. I am recounting in a summary of how this builds up till today.
The Unfolding
Months before my trip to Japan for 2 weeks in November 2023. I told the Universe (i.e., God) as follows as I recalled.
“I am ready for the next chapter of my life and I will be using the month of December to find out what my next phase will look like.”
It was a onetime blurb out to the world silently from my mind. A desperate plea in the heat of the moment while sitting at my desk. In that instant, a thought so charged with emotions has shot out and delivered itself, unbeknownst to me that this is how prayers works. And then, I quickly forgot the thought soon after
Cue early December 2023, I saw one NDE (Near Death Experience) video pop into my recommendation feed on YouTube. I didn’t think too much of it and thought it was something interesting before I clicked. Little did I know, I can never go back to who I was before and I’m changed for the better.
Those NDE contents were the gateway for me to step into a much broader and wider world of spirituality. The fascination of NDE brings me into different parts of spirituality as I let where my spirits takes me for exploration on the topic.
From NDE then OBE (Out of Body Experience) which is just amazing as I start to be convinced that there is something on the other side of which is hidden and people are asleep of this world. Humanity has disconnected and distracted itself from its other half for a long time.
The time for re-connection is now.
The Sacred Heart
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. — Albert Einstein.
We have made our Mind (brain) the king of everything has disregarded our Sacred Heart (Heart) in both physical and in energetics. We need both in balance and working together in tandem, but it has been extremely skewed toward the mind for a long time.
There is a great shifting toward the Heart space for everyone on earth right now.
Psychologically speaking, the Left brain is more analytic, rational, and logical, which is how current civilization on earth heavily favor over and disregard the Right brain, which is about intuition, creativity, and imagination.
As I am primarily a left-brain analytic guy of which I inherited from my societal upbringing and works as a software engineer. It’s very natural for me to switch off the emotional side, my intuition, disregard the heart and what my spirits try to tell me.
I quickly learned that I was living an unbalance life for the last 30 years along with a majority of human on earth running the same limiting beliefs and unhelpful programs. It’s very much a fear-based lifestyle and not a love-based approach toward life and divinity.
The templates, limiting beliefs, and programs I unassumingly got from society without questions. Thinking they have my best interests in heart and where I should go. I was terribly, terribly mistaken. Hahaha!
You should be very familiar with these templates. For instance, you must marry, buy a big house, work at a good job until retirement, be in top management, earn a big salary, follow the jones, etc. This paradigm is currently being tested and is quickly collapsing to make way for a new paradigm to come in.
Jump into the Deep End
I need to give a massive thanking to Next Level Souls as I’ve benefited massively. His spiritual podcast invites a good deal of amazing spirituality focused guests to his show. Being a beacon of light on earth and aiding to spread the love globally through podcasting, one episode at a time.
It’s from here that I learn about source, spirits, angels, archangels, ascended masters, yogi, psychic abilities, intuition, channeler, mediums, dragons, aliens, ancient civilization, pyramids, parallel universes, multidimensional worlds and how we fit into this entire picture.
I know it ALL sounds ludicrous, but I’m able to feel the truth about them. The information resonates with me and I can’t find much of any resistance to what I am receiving. It felts like a remembrance, like I know these lost knowledge before but have forgotten for the time being.
To give some background, ever since I was small, the denial of God is strong, the belief that there are no ghosts or spooky stuffs but only imagination of the mind, and the belief of science reign supreme and above to everything else.
I’m heavily tuned into my left-brain and analytical side because of my societal factors, environmental circumstances, and my career choices.
So, you would have thought I would deny and brush all these woo-woo
stuffs away but I guess it is time for me to wake up as I am tired of the repetitiveness of the 3rd Density Game which broadly known as Power, Control, and Greed that most of the world are still heavily invested in but is now being shaken and reformed into its higher expression.
Think of this as the scene in Attack on Titan if there are any fans here. Imagine the event of “The Rumbling” happening right now. Not to the extreme of what happens in the show, but imagine those titans walking. That’s why things are so shaken up right now in all institutions we thought would never strain under pressure and would last forever.
On this note, I am happy to report that the 3rd Density Game is giving way to the 5th Density Game, which is known for Unity, Love, Compassion, Assertiveness, and Joy of which we are in the midst of the shift right now.
This windows for accession will open for the next 100 years starting from 2012 as we move toward the Age of Aquarius. Each cycle runs for 26,000 years. We are all in this big ride together, moving toward the 5th Density.
The Remembrances of a Soul Past
The more I dive, the more I remembered the truth of all these. They’re just multiple perspectives on how to know God, as we are all a fractal of God, here to experience and expand our collective consciousness.
These are not “New Age” stuffs but lost ancient knowledge that previous civilizations on planet earth knew about and have tried to preserve it for us in codes, symbols, and structures. It has been here, but we have forgotten about it as we collectively sunk into the 3rd density of which the polarity of the game is the densest and hardest to remember who we really are.
Pssh! You’re a multi-dimensional being having a human experience. Everyone is walking their own path of expansion. We are all a fractal of the one infinite that has many names through the ages known as God, Source, Creator, Prime Creator, the Universe, etc.
To know thyself, I dive into the multiplicity of modality in the spiritual realm. The goal is to understand my purpose/mission for this current incarnation, that is known as “Tommy Lee” the writer behind this entry. Although I haven’t compiled all the information I had gathered yet, it’s become evident to me that my purpose is to share Christ Consciousness as a teacher.
What does that mean? I guess more information will show up as I continue to walk forward with confidence and trust.
The Healing Modalities
My exploration into the unknowns takes me into many interesting different arena. I went through different reading sessions by channelers and psychic mediums. From the Akashic Records reader to Multidimensional Channeler.
I would attend online and offline class to learn about Reiki, Angels, Archangel, how to channel, working on psychic abilities, automatic writing, etc. Then, going through western astrology, Chinese palmistry and astrology, and Vedic Astrology.
Books on how to decode my soul contract to see what I picked before I incarnate. Moreover, there are so many books to read both old and new stuffs. All very interesting stuffs.
There are also many healing methods too like guided meditations, visualization, breathwork, manifestation, pendulum, crystals, shadow work, tarot card, oracle card, and sound therapy.
I’ve magnificent experiences in all of it. Seeing things in my meditation, feeling sensation on my body, unimaginable synchronicities happening, clear indications on my daily life, angel numbers popping up everywhere and the list goes on.
I haven’t done past life regression (QHHT) or trance-channeling yet.
Stepping Into Another World, Thinning of the Veil
It was a thirst for knowing because it resonates with me. A person needs to be on a vibrational wavelength to resonate with what he/she is consuming. Here, spiritual knowledge and contents. It’s like a vegetarian will not consume (if possible) Ribeye Steak in a restaurant because both of them don’t click.
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”. I am so ready for my journey that multiple teachers appear before me.
I’m finally able to use the term “God” confidently in my daily conversation, as I was previously averse to doing so, as I explained above. Now I know that my prayer, which I stated above, has been answered.
They do not overwhelm me with knowledge or information, but give enough for me to pick up the breadcrumb as I go along. I come to know that there are so many things a person can learn which will require lifetimes of studies and practices.
The funny thing about these breadcrumbs is that I was getting crumbs faster than anyone else. I found this out when I’m in a session with Katie whom is a Multidimensional channeler. At that moment, I was playing small and not being in my power about what I was getting from my guides and teachers that made them say in term of a road length.
“People need to walk 20km to get 1 breadcrumb and you get 1 breadcrumb every 1km” ð€£
Because of my analytical mind and being able to see in different perspective, I can integrate spiritual knowledge quickly and smoothly. I also found out from an Akashic channeler, I had many past life being of service to the Light.
In order words, I have many lifetime playing the role of holy man, priest, monk (Tibetan Rinpoche), medicine man, shaman, wizard, etc. I think that’s why I have little to no blockage nor resistance from picking up this knowledge as I come across them.
The Time to Shine
I’m 8 months in on this journey and I feel like it is time to give back to the world of what I learnt and is to continue learning as this never truly ends.
Two weeks ago, I was called to revive my Instagram account and continue to write about my experience on this blog, but did nothing until I did an Archangel meditation recently and Archangel Uriel came to tell me “It’s time to spread the light. You’re ready. Go forth”.
There were previously such cycles of awakening (The death and rebirth) before, but I did not realize them as one as I was living unconsciously and little to no awareness back then. I was deep in the 3rd Density Game of which I need in order to learn so I can transmute them into experiences and knowledge keys I can share later on of which this is one such sharing.