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I aim to create apps to be fun, refreshing, and hopefully reflective in their nature. I have been successful in doing so like the ones listed below where they have garnered a good reputation in Google Play Store and are able to captivate my users.
Tamago Labs is what I call myself on the portfolio of my Android apps previously. Recently, to make things more official and organized. I’ve updated my name to add media in between. Thus, the new name becomes “Tamago Media Labs“.
I feel this would be a better representation since what I do are mostly digital media content whether it is apps, icons, writing, graphics, or designing the UX for my apps.
I got a new character in a form of a cute sushi cat topped with a sliced of Tamago on top. Tamago means egg in Japanese and it is part of the name that people know me for. I like Tamagoyaki rolls as they are delicious and very nutritious!
You might have noticed the appearance mascot, I like cats. So, I’ve cuteness, cat, sushi, egg, and hint of Japanese culture all roll into one. What’s not to love?
Android Apps
Follow my Instagram account to get daily quotes from my apps.